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IWA/CC Minutes 06-17-2009
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Timothy Appleton, Audrey Delnicki, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, Mario Marrero, John Blondin, Richard Muller, John Phillips       

STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm


ITEM:  PERMIT EXTENSIONS:  Appl. #04-42W Hidden Woods Subdivision

Mr. Folger stated the 2 house lots located off Dart Hill Road have not been sold yet.

Motion to: approve Appl. #04-42W – permit extension for Hidden Woods Subdivision
Was made by: Commissioner Appleton
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


ITEM:  BONDS:   None

ITEM:  MINUTES:  06/03/2009

Minutes from 06/03/2009, as amended to reflect Hugh Brower sitting for Richard Muller and Roy Szoka sitting for Timothy Appleton, approved by consensus.


Mr. Folger stated that the bridge over the Podunk in Wapping Park is beginning construction for the deck portion; and that 2 solar powered aerators and 1 wind powered aerator will be placed in the pond at Major Michael Donnelly Land Preserve.  Mr. Folger stated that fishing is allowed at this pond.

Chairperson Warren expressed concern about the radio controlled airplanes being flown in Wapping Park.  She felt it is too much of a disturbance to wildlife.  Mr. Folger stated that the hayfield will be the mitigation area for the grasshopper sparrow and since dogs will be prohibited in this area, something could be done about the planes also.

Mr. Folger stated that the storage hut at the Niederwerfer Wildlife Sanctuary had been broken into, but as far as he could tell nothing was missing.


A copy of the Journal Inquirer’s article about the Tiger Beetles was reviewed by the Commisssioners.  Mr. Folger stated that to date an estimated 500 beetles had been relocated.  Collection of the beetles will continue until they go dormant, once the hot weather arrives.  The longer the weather remains cooler the longer the collection of the beetles can continue.  On the Barton property relocation site, 5.5 acres of trees will need to be cleared to accommodate the Tiger Beetles being moved there.  A total of 7 acres will be utilized as habitat for the beetles once they are moved from the 2 acre site they resided in originally.  Mr. Folger stated that conservation easements will be needed on each of the relocation sites.



Appl. #09-24P – South Windsor Stone and Landscaping – 287 Strong Road – IWA/Conservation Commission application for a site plan for a garden center property located southerly of Strong Road and easterly of John Fitch Blvd. Industrial (I) Zone.

Karen Isherwood, Design Professionals, made the presentation.  Ms. Isherwood stated that the property will be connected to the sewer on Strong Road and that there is a private well on the premises.  Ms. Isherwood read a letter dated June 3, 2009, from John Ianni, Soil Scientist, Highland Soils LLC., regarding the site inspection done on November 8, 2008.  Mr. Ianni determined that there are no regulated wetlands or watercourses on the property.  Ms. Isherwood stated that the parking lot would be gravel, with the impervious surface being 59%, with the possibility of increasing to 61% if there should be expansion in the future (65% is allowed).  Storage bays will be used to hold landscaping material such as stone, mulch, topsoil.  There will also be nursery stock, such as trees, plant, shrubs displayed for sale on site.  Stormwater management will consist of a downward slope to the west, gravel and a vegetative grass swale for surface flow, leading directly into a water quality basin, which will be a permanent pool.  There will be a pipe discharge from the basin into a ditch already used for that purpose.  Erosion control will be handled with silt fence surrounding the site, anti-track entrance pad onto Strong Road and stockpiling the top soil in one area also surrounded by silt fence.

Chairperson Warren was concerned about the lack of the applicant’s last name on the first page of the application, but it was decided that the signature on the application was sufficient.

Mr. Folger stated that soil types are required on site plans.  The soil survey for this site indicated that the soils in the area of the proposed detention basin were described as Walpole gravel loam which is considered a hydric soil.  Mr. Ianni’s determination that there are no wetlands on site contradicts the soil survey, but the survey is done on a broader scale and Mr. Folger agrees with Mr. Ianni’s conclusion.

Mr. Folger stated that the perimeter erosion controls proposed for the site should be more than adequate.

Commissioner Kelly questioned that the basin would be sufficient for water quality based on the type of fine material associated with gravel and landscaping material.  Mr. Folger stated that the basin would not likely have a wet bottom due to the well draining soils underneath, but that if fine material settled it would seal up the bottom of the basin, making it a wet basin – which would be a benefit for water quality.  If it should become a wet basin, cattails would no doubt colonize the basin and provide biofiltration.

Commissioner Brower questioned whether there would be hazardous material, such as fertilizer, stored on site.  Ms. Isherwood stated not to her knowledge.

Motion to: approve Appl. #09-24P – South Windsor Stone and Landscaping, with the condition that a bond shall be collected in the amount of $5,000 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion controls.
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  OLD BUSINESS:  Regulation subcommittee update – nothing to report at this time.




Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 7:42 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson  
Recording Secretary

Approved:  12/2/2009